For Educators



Bring solar energy to life with hands-on STEM lessons, real-time data dashboards, career-focused investigations, and hands-on experiments.

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learning in

a new light

Bring the power of solar energy into your classroom with engaging, ready-to-use lessons designed to inspire and educate. From interactive STEM activities to real-world data analysis, these resources make it easy to captivate your students while exploring strategic, sustainable energy solutions.

Our curated curriculum library offers something for all ages, whether your students are elementary schoolers learning about the sun, middle schoolers dabbling in engineering, high schoolers participating in technical career training, or anywhere in between.

"The program was engaging and it helped me take things into my own classroom and be a better teacher."

Jill Rich
Teacher, Henrico County Public Schools

Curriculum Library

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More than 2 hours
Teacher Training

Intro to Solar - Online Course

Solar Energy International is the industry go-to for solar workforce training, with both all-online and hands-on courses. PVOL101 is an on-demand, self-paced online course that is ideal for CTE teachers looking to gain a solid understanding of photovoltaics before teaching a course about solar. Contact Sun Tribe to see if scholarships are available for teacher tuition.

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More than 2 hours

Solar Technical Training Curriculum

This curriculum unit is perfect for CTE; students will learn about solar resource evaluation, siting, and design using the technical tools commonly used in the field. In addition to a thorough Solar PV unit, the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education also offers free unit plans for other energy-based units, such as Energy Efficiency and Energy Bill Analysis.

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More than 2 hours

Solar and Wind Competition

Each year KidWind runs statewide Solar and Wind challenges for grades 4-12. Students and teachers alike rave about this rich experience. Equipment and entry are free for participating clubs. No teacher expertise is necessary, as KidWind holds office hours for students and provides technical support for teachers.

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1 to 2 hours

U.N. Sustainable Development Goals & Lessons

Solar topics integrate beautifully with broader sustainability themes, such as the 7th U.N. Sustainability goal, "Affordable and Clean Energy". Visit this site for a wide range of captivating sustainability-related educational resources, including links to lessons about renewable energy through "The World's Largest Lesson."

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Less than 1 hour

Candy Collector: Renewable vs. Non-Renewable Activity

In this fun, hands-on activity featuring CANDY(!) students choose between renewable and non-renewable energy sources to power their town. Common materials such as straws (extractors), M&Ms (non-renewable energy sources), and jellybeans (renewable energy sources) are used for the simulation. Teacher Tip: Search YouTube for "Candy Collector - Exploring Renewable & Nonrenewable" for a video demonstration of this lesson.

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Career Readiness
Less than 1 hour

Women in Energy Careers Picture Book

This illustrated book spotlights diverse women working in STEM.

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Less than 1 hour

Solar Switch Challenge

Through this hands-on activity, students apply principles of electricity and solar technology to design, build, and test on/off and dimmer switches. The introduction is intentionally low-instruction to encourage a student-led engineering design process, and multiple challenge levels ensure that all students can be successful. Equipment required; materials list included.

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Equipment Resources

JMU CASE Lending Library

Educators in Virginia can borrow hands-on solar and wind equipment for free.


Empowered Kits

We'll help you select and source the classroom kit that fits your goals.

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Looking for a service project with global impact? Check this out.


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